CAI's Hypotenuse example's model loading.
2024.03.02 15:23
(*) Once model was trained, there is no need to train again.
Therefore, from the Hypotenuse example, I have strip off all model training related codes.
It is focused on pre-trained model usage. (*)
program Hypotenuse_my_test;
{ Written by Henry Kim for testing model made from CAI's Hypotenuse example.
Copy project file from Hypotenuse examples, otherwise, it won't compile. }
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
uses {$IFDEF UNIX} {$IFDEF UseCThreads}
cthreads, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}
Classes, neuralnetwork, neuralvolume, neuralfit;
NN: TNNet;
ModelFileName: string;
input_pair_list : TNNetVolumePairList;
CorrectOutput : real;
pOutPut: TNNetVolume;
x, y, Hypotenuse: TNeuralFloat; // TNeuralFloat = Single;
// Here, we are using the model trained from earlier example (inferencing)
ModelFileName := 'hypotenus.nn'; // model file trained from CAI's Hypotenuse example
NN := TNNet.Create;
NN.LoadFromFile(ModelFileName); // Load pre-trained
input_pair_list := TNNetVolumePairList.Create();
x := 3.0; // x side of right tri-angle
y := 4.0; // y side of right tri-angle
Hypotenuse := 1.0; // Optimal value calculated by sqrt(x*x+y*y)
TNNetVolume.Create([x, y]), // these two values are the key input for query.
TNNetVolume.Create([Hypotenuse]))); // for reference only, not really needed.
pOutPut := TNNetVolume.Create({pSizeX=}1, {pSizeY=}1, {pDepth=}1, {FillValue=}1);
NN.Compute(input_pair_list[0].I); // Actual inferencing occurs here
NN.GetOutput(pOutPut); // Store output result to pOutPut
WriteLn( 'Input (x,y):', input_pair_list[0].I.FData[0]:5:2,', ',
input_pair_list[0].I.FData[1]:5:2,' Inferenced:', pOutPut.Raw[0]:5:2,' ',
' Calculated:', input_pair_list[0].O.FData[0]:5:2 );
{ it produces result on terminal
Input (x,y): 3.00, 4.00 Inferenced: 5.01 Calculated: 5.00
Comment 0
No. | Subject | Author | Date | Views |
» | CAI's Hypotenuse example's model loading. | me | 2024.03.02 | 73 |
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